Thursday, September 20, 2007

Day 3: Rawlins, WY to Boise, ID

So after another motel breakfast we were off from the middle of Wyoming about 8:15 a.m., glad we didn't have to end up sleeping in the van. Emilee entertained herself with DVD's, game boy, CD's, and workbooks. She is a terrific traveler. After reading several chapters out loud from Garrison Keillor's new novel, I finished my nights sleep with a nap. We stopped for lunch in Ogdon, Utah and I took a turn at driving so Phil could snooze for a bit.

The scenery is incredibly different from Missouri, and very impressive in its own way. It was high plains in Wyoming, crossing the Continental Divide. Then in Utah, past the Salt Lake and into a semi-arid plain. We saw cattle, buffalo and deer. Southern Idaho is very bucolic, with lush alfalfa fields, corn and of course, potatoes, all irrigated. My favorite thing is the 75 mph speed!

The afternoon was spent helping Emilee with her homework as we tooled along, arriving at the church in Boise just in time to find the group (School of Mission committe and speakers) walking to dinner. We joined them at a Chinese Restaurant for dinner, and returned to the church to set up our display in preparation for the orientation tomorrow. We are staying with Gary and Joyce Anderson tonight and tomorrow night. For those of you who might have IBS or OCC connections, Gary is Carl Anderson's son and Steve Anderson's Dad.

We have enjoyed reading your comments!



Anonymous said...

Hi Phil, Susan, and Emilee
Happy Birthday Phil! I hope you are enjoying some family time singing in the car. We will continue to pray for all three of you in your travels. Thank you for the updates.
Take care and Godspeed,
Jeff & Lisa White

Jason Casey said...

Happy Birthday Dad! I'll try to call today. Wish there was a map on the blog that traced your journey.

Unknown said...

I was not sure my comments were getting thru. let me know when you have time. Love Marilyn

Chris and Aubri Casey said...

Hey I have IBS... and I have OCC connections! HEE HEE I love you guys and am a little jealous.