Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Day 14: Hillsboro to Cottage Grove

We woke up to a rainy day and hurried over to the restaurant next door where our breakfast had already been paid for. Then as soon as we cleared the motel room out, we drove back over to Crossroads to meet with Tom Burgess and his friend Frank Miller so that we could go to lunch!!! UGH Not another meal! So they took us to a Buffet! We had a great visit about missions and LATM before we waddled out to the van. We had only an 1 1/2 hour drive south to Cottage Grove, so we stopped in Eugene for awhile. Since I had slept all the way down, Phil stayed in the van and slept while I shopped. (Since I had hives for a month before we left on this trip, my Dr. put me on a new RX that causes drowsiness, and I've slept clear from Joplin to Oregon! I only wake up to eat!!) After several stores and a few phone calls, I finally ordered Phil's birthday gift. His ipod Touch should be in today around 4:00 p.m. We had looked in Joplin, Denver, Boise and Portland and EVERYONE has been sold out as soon as they arrive. We will have to wait to pick it up until we come back into Eugene for lunch tomorrow. But they promised to hold it for me.

Then on to Cottage Grove where we had a great crowd of around 50 people. Very encouraging. We stayed with a lovely cancer survivor, Barb. She was quite an encouragement to us! Emilee was happy to see Disney for a while, and then camped out on the sofa. We enjoyed a very comfy bed that Barb gave up while she slept in a spare room. We drove back up to Eugene to find a Walgreen's to get an RX filled, then here to a wonderful public library to get caught up on some paper work. Emilee played every game on their children's computers and is now reading. She is quite a trooper! She even forgot that we missed lunch. WE missed it on purpose. Soon it will be time to go and meet our hosts for the evening, and EAT ANOTHER MEAL!! Love to all, Susan

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